Kids today are now self proclaiming themselves as photographers...great.
Instagram |
I'm sure we've all heard of or used the highly popular app "Instagram" YES Instagram, the app on Iphones, androids, tablets, Ipads, basically any technological object that has a camera, allows you and friends to post and share photos of the area around you, events, food, clothing, OOTD, (out fit of the day), the seemingly popular "Selfies" and many more things that you deem to be picture worthy. With this, kids today are taking advantage of exploring photography. Now don't get me wrong, I'm sure that many people today or in the near future are going out and finding the art of taking pictures to be their "passion"...all the best to you in that.. but for the other 99.9 percent of people here, no.
I'm sure we've all met this guy... |
What the public doesn't really seem to understand is that logging into a computer generated application you downloaded on to your phone or tech object, taking a picture with a 1.5-8 megapixel camera, and then covering over the picture with one of the many filters provided by such app or device does not make you a professional.( Sorry if I busted your bubble there. )
In actuality all you have really achieved is turning a moderately well taken photo and covered it with some form of screen to make the photo that much more interesting..or in some cases harder to see. To get straight to the point here, if your're actually interested in photography, invest in a camera, a
real camera, not one of those disposable I found in the trash cameras, then try taking lessons, can afford them, get a job. I know today that may not be so easy but I'm sure someone somewhere is looking for someone to do the dirty work. (you may not like it, but hey money is money) If that's still an issue then go on
youtube, I can assure you someone has tips for you to watch. You'd be amazed by how much better those "selfies" will look.
My attempt at a "duckface" |
Though what I'd really like to bring to your attention is what has been on my mind for the past few days..The body shots, half naked shots, and my personal favorite, the infamous "Duck-Face"..... to put it simply.. its not a very attractive image to display of yourself..I mean the exception to it would probably be on Halloween when you purposely go out in costume to look absolutely horrid, or like a complete and total slut.. inappropriate looking..person..where no one will judge you.. What about finding a mirror that is clean?
If I log into facebook, Instagram, or I visit (professional photographer)
I dont really want to look at a picture where the mirror is dirty, or ruined lens..or if not, please try to refrain from the ever so charming sight of the porcelain thrown, in fact try to refrain from all bathroom shots, may it be that you are just taking a quick one, or a group picture of you and some friends. Trust me when I say, we seriously do not want to know what you were doing in the bathroom. that's kinda gross.
The mirror in my school bathroom...ew.. |
gross much? |
So summing all of this together, my message to all of you readers out there, you photographers, wanna be's, whatever you are on the net, If you really believe that the picture of you, your friends, or whatever it is you had photographed was a professional picture from your cool techy phone or other techy object you may posses.. I hate to be the bearer of bad news.. you could be better! Invest into it! be apart of that .01 percent, Learn! if not don't take the credit for something that doesn't deserve the recognition.
 |^ |
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